It is now only 2 months until Falsely Accused Day 2023. This year we are pleased to be joined by many campaign groups from around the world who, like us, are intending to bring the scourge of False Accusations into public view. Despite allegations increasing […]
News and Updates
Open Letter to the Prime Minister
In March we wrote an Open Letter to the Prime Minister regarding the injustices taking place around false accusations. Earlier this month we received responses from both the Home Office and the Ministry of Justice. We are utterly appalled at the blinkered responses from both […]
Candlelight Vigil
Our candlelight vigil for the falsely accused and wrongfully convicted takes place this Friday outside the Royal Courts of Justice in London from 2:30pm. If you, or someone you care about, have been the victim of a false accusation or if you care about the […]
Silent Vigil for the Falsely Accused
9th December 2022 Due to the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Falsely Accused Day 2022 was not able to go ahead in the UK on September 9th. Many events elsewhere around the world still took place. In the UK we will now be […]
UK Falsely Accused Day events postponed in respect of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s passing.
With the sad news that Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has passed away this afternoon, we have respectfully postponed Falsely Accused Day events in the UK until later this year. Our thoughts and prayers are with Her family.
International Falsely Accused Day
Over the last couple of months, the Falsely Accused Day team have been contacted by other groups around the world who support victims of false accusations. A number of these groups are organising demonstrations in their own territories to coincide with Falsely Accused Day and […]
One month to go…
It’s now only one month until the 9th September and Falsely Accused Day. There are now four demonstrations taking place, two in the UK, in London and Liverpool, organised by our group, and two others in Washington DC and Argentina. Each of these demonstrations on […]
Falsely Accused Day Peaceful Protests
On the 9th September, two peaceful demonstrations will be taking place in the UK, one in London, outside the Royal Courts of Justice from 1pm, and one in Liverpool, starting from Lime Street Station, again starting at 1pm. Other protests are taking place around the […]
FAD Tour visiting North East Prisons
Adam’s tour of UK Prisons continues, starting with the North East of the country. So far Adam has passed HMP Durham, HMP Holme House, HMP Kirklevington and HMP YOI Deerbolt.