Our candlelight vigil for the falsely accused and wrongfully convicted takes place this Friday outside the Royal Courts of Justice in London from 2:30pm. If you, or someone you care about, have been the victim of a false accusation or if you care about the harm caused and lack of justice for those falsely accused, then please join us on Friday and help us speak up for the victims that have no voice.
We will be gathering outside the RCJ from 2:30pm. We recommend that you bring a windproof, or battery powered candle. Please do not bring anything that may be considered as a risk. We ask that participants dress in black, to mark the solemn nature of our cause. Please wrap up warm as the weather is expected to be cold this week. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this event then please do get in touch, either via the email link on our contact page, or via social media.